
The President’s Message

Restaurants Found Nowhere
else Rather than Ones Better than Anywhere else

The etymology of the word restaurant is the Latin word restorare which means to restore (your vitality). We strive to restore the vitality of all the customers that visit the restaurant at Hirokoshi. Each of our employees plays a significant role of the producers to restore the vitality of the customers by means of our dishes, drinks, service and so forth. Hirokoshi, a group of professional producers makes ready for a large variety of scenarios by capitalizing on each original project.

We are proud of the fact that the number of our specialized restaurants is outstanding in Japan. The total number of restaurants creates the restaurant found nowhere else.The comprehensive power of the professional producers produces the stage (that is, each restaurant) found nowhere else. The multiplicational growth of the number of Hirokoshi restaurants creates the promising future of Hirokoshi, the company which is progressing into the creative company expanding endlessly.

It is our mission, our future making each employee’s dreams come true that we change the restaurant better than anywhere else, that is our starting point of the existing Hirokoshi’s action into the unique restaurant found nowhere else.

The restoration of our customers’ vitality results in the source of our business activity. We will continue to provide the highest stage (that is, our restaurants) by creating the genuine cooking, the genuine service and the genuine atmosphere.

Aiming at “Hirokoshi-land”

Have you ever been to “Disneyland”? It is the world full of dreams and hopes, where a variety of attractions enchant the visitors. Hirokoshi develops a variety of attractions, that is, restaurants and provides the customers with those varied tastes, warm atmosphere which they cannot enjoy in their ordinary lives, as well. Hirokoshi is hereafter aiming to develop restaurants where the customers enjoy the positive dream world. We expect the newcomers to our company to exert their talents to realize the dream of Hirokoshi-land.

”Human Beings that Support Hirokoshi

Human beings are the existence indispensable for +and precious foundation of the service industry. First of all, Hirokoshi is aiming at the highly value-added restaurant where customers feel satisfied on entering the restaurant, not to mention its delicious dishes. Living up to customers’ expectations is important to deeply move customers while eating at our restaurant. Only human beings can communicate with customers by starting with our employees’ greetings and thereby express their kind consideration for our customers. Those employees who can be moved deeply can give considerate service to move our customers deeply. Nothing but human beings can give support to the Hirokoshi that is aiming at such a restaurant.

Our Company’s Mission

We are aiming to be the sole, number-one company where we can contribute to the development of both dietary culture and social culture and bring strong vitality to tomorrow in Hiroshima.